Strutt Revision History
Release V5.24.02 "Flamingo"
Release Date: 29th January 2024
New Features:
- New data added to attenuator insertion loss libraries.
- [internal to Arup only]New data added to absorption and transmission loss libraries.
- [internal to Arup only]Formatting | Sound InsulationAdded L’nT,w as a cell formatting option.
- [internal to Arup only]Fundamentals | Conversion Factors Added density conversion factor.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug: Ratings | Absorption | NRC: NRC formula updated in accordance with ASTM C634 “as a single-number rating, rounded to the nearest 0.05, of the sound absorption coefficients of a material for the four one-third octave bands at 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 2000 Hz”.
- Fixed bug: Mechanical Services | Duct Elements | End/Grille ASHRAE method should not have reduced loss for rectangular or circular grilles, and characteristic dimensions of the grilles should match the duct dimensions.
- Fixed bug: Propagation | Parallelepiped initial results are input correctly; however the height dimensions were erroneously read into the width box in the user form if the user form was reopened for that row.
- Fixed bug: Vibration | Radiation Efficiency and Transmission Loss | Transmission Loss Prediction incorrectly calculating critical frequency in imperial mode (did not affect TL values inserted into worksheet).
- Fixed bug: Mechanical Services | Duct Breakout | Duct Transmission Loss incorrectly calculating surface mass of steel in imperial mode (did not affect TL values inserted into worksheet).
- Fixed Bug: Curves | Sound Level | dB(R) and Curves | Sound Level | dB(H) were not consolidating from 1/3 values to 1-octave values, but rather were using the corresponding 1/3 band value directly.
- Fixed typo: Added warning to Mechanical Services | Duct Elements | Straight user form to warn the user that ASHRAE 1991 is deprecated. There were also some errors in the user form text for imperial calculations.
- Fixed typo: first row on summary sheet had incorrect sheet name reference.
- Fixed typo: Building Acoustics | Porous Absorber typo in description text; flow resistivity value and thickness mixed up. Did not affect calculation.
- Fixed typo: Building Acoustics | Noise Breakout from Room user form text box stated that the formula had a -Cd term; should be +Cd. Did not affect calculation.
- Fixed typo: [internal to Arup only]Added warning to Environmental | Barrier Attenuation to warn the user that the base of the barrier should be the 0 m datum for CNOSSOS and that ground attenuation must be excluded if Hr value is negative for ISO9613.2 calculations.
Release V5.23.09 "Kookaburra"
Release Date: 7th August 2023
New Features:
- Building Acoustics | Baffle Absorption calculates the sound absorption of a baffle system in accordance with Probst (2007) Sound Absorption of Baffle Systems methodology.
- Curves Sound Level | G-curve inserts the G curve in accordance with Table G.1 of ProPG: Gym Acoustics Guidance (March 2023).
- Ratings | Sound Level | G inserts the corresponding “G” rating for a set of third octave noise levels, based on the above G-curves.
- [Beta feature*] Meters | NTi can now import XL2 Reverberation Time data.
- [Beta feature*] Meters | NTi can now import XL3 broadband / spectral noise data.
* Feature is in beta because it has been tested on a limited dataset. Please send any feedback to
Bug fixes:
- Fixed Bug: Meters | B+K 2250 noise level importer breaks if the raw data file contains data which was measured using an accelerometer.
- Fixed bug: Ratings | Sound level | dB(Z) was not working as expected for data which contained numbers in text form; they were being ignored, which was not obvious to the user.
- Fixed bug: Electroacoustics | Masked Threshold typo in slope calculation for IEC methodology.
- Fixed bug: Building Acoustics | Alpha from RT was referencing the incorrect column for some frequency bands.
- Fixed typo: Vibration | Acceleration attenuation per floor was not included in the external Strutt release.
- Fixed typo: Mechanical Services | Regenerated Noise | End/Grille, for the VDI method, the 25% and 50% options do not exist for opening types 4 and 5 and have been disabled.
- Fixed typo: Empirical menu erroneously listed the “DIN 3150-3 Damage Curves”.
- Fixed typo: Building acoustics | Perforated metal (Schultz) warning message added to advise user that the hole to hole spacing must be greater than the hole diameter.
- Fixed typo: Inlet / Outlet directivity area input cell was in incorrect column on the Mechanical template.
Notable help file updates:
Release V5.23.02A "Emu" - Release internal to Arup only
Release Date: 6th March 2023
Bug fixes:
- Fixed Bug:Equipment | Meters | Rion NL-52 throwing an error when trying to import data.
Release V5.23.02 "Emu"
Release Date: 20th January 2023
New Features:
- Environmental | VIC EPA 1826.4 Tonality for calculating the tone-corrected level of a 1/3 octave band spectrum in accordance with VIC EPA 1826.4.
- Environmental | ISO 1996-2 Tonality cell formatting (red text with light red fill) applied to “Yes” cells, which indicate which 1/3 octave levels are tonal.
- Mechanical Services | Regenerated Noise | Bend allows corner radius to be added to the calculation for radiused bends for the SRL method. This allows for direct comparison between the SRL bend and junction regenerated noise calculations in Strutt, as they effectively use the same formula (previously, the corner radius was assumed to be 0 mm).
- Vibration | Building Vibration | Acceleration Attenuation per Floor inserts the attenuation expected per floor as acceleration transmits floor-to-floor, as per Table 16.2 of the Transportation Noise Reference Book (Nelson, 1987)
- Fixed Bug: Building Acoustics | Porous Absorber Incorrect absorption coefficients for oblique angles.
- Fixed Bug: Propagation | Line Source Finite line source dipole and monopole formulas were switched. The formula which should have been for dipole contained a typo.
- Fixed Bug: Propagation | Line Source Correction for coherent finite line sources was previously assumed to be the same as for infinite line sources. This is only the case in the near field. Coherency corrections have been updated in line with Bies and Hansen.
- Fixed bug: Criteria | Ratings | Absorption | NRC was not including the 2.5 kHz absorption coefficients on the 1/3 octave band sheet.
- Fixed bug: Criteria | Ratings | Absorption | NRC was not rounded to the nearest 0.05, as per the standard.
- Fixed bug: Mechanical Services | Regenerated Noise | Junction/Split ratio of main vs. branch flow velocity “m” was reversed for T and X junctions in the formula
- Fixed bug: Mechanical Services | Regenerated Noise | Junction/Split 90-degree take-off calculation was reporting incorrect values in the user form text boxes only (values input into spreadsheet were accurate)
- Fixed bug: Mechanical Services | Regenerated Noise | Bend included a -18 dB correction term twice in the formula, resulting in underprediction of regenerated noise (SRL method only)
- Fixed bug: Mechanical Services | Duct Elements | Junction/Split did not have a fixed row reference to the frequency row on the sheet, resulting in issues if the formula was copied to a new row
Notable help file updates:
Release V5.22.09 "Nightjar"
Release Date: 24th August 2022
New Features:
- Building Acoustics | Sound Level Difference: implemented ASTM 336-20 methodology
- Building Acoustics | Sound Level Difference: added option to report if correction has been applied
- Vibration | Building Vibration | Composite Natural Frequency of Floating Floor: calculates the Composite Natural Frequency of a Floating Floor Over an Airspace
- Vibration | Building Vibration | Vibration Attenuation per Floor: inserts the attenuation expected per floor as vibration transmits floor-to-floor, as per Figure 16.12 of the Transportation Noise Reference Book
- Removed the interlock on the LFThirdSheet for Curves | Sound Level | Equal Loudness and Curves | Sound Level | Hearing Threshold curves
- Fixed Bug: Building Acoustics | Sound Level Difference ISO 10140.4-2010 methodology was applying background corrections for backgrounds which were 10 dB or more below receiver level (instead of 15 dB).
- Fixed typo: Vibration | TRL Construction Vibration result cells had incorrect cell formatting
- Fixed typo: Mechanical Services | Duct Elements | Straight (Lined duct attenuation ASHRAE 2019): Add warning to user form that, if the cross-sectional area is out of bounds, that the formula defaults to ASHRAE 2011
- Fixed typo: Mechanical Services | Duct breakout | Flex Duct Breakout values now have negative sign as per Strutt convention. Updated comment box and description text to add clarity to formula. Added note to user form stating what valid range of formula is
- Fixed typo: Propagation | Moving Point source SEL updated text on user form
- Fixed typo: Mechanical Services | Regenerated Noise | Bend Updated user form to disable turbulent flow text box for CIBSE (it is not used by the CIBSE formula)
- Fixed typo: Ratings | Sound Level | NC had incorrect cell formatting
- Fixed Bug: Import Kaidacity Result on the right click menu from a row in the sheet was not working.
- Fixed Bug: Ratings | Sound Insulation | Speech Privacy Options: For Speech Privacy Predictor methodology, “extreme dissatisfaction” descriptor should only be applied for Sound Excess values for > 20 (not >= 20)
- Fixed Bug: Ratings | Sound Insulation | Speech Privacy Options: Speech Privacy Descriptor in Column D was incorrect
New and updated help pages:
Release V5.22.05 "Victoria Crowned Pigeon"
Release Date: 28th April 2022
New Features:
- Environmental | Plant on Haul Roads for calculating the sound level due to mobile plant that pass at intervals on haul roads.
- Fixed Bug: Mechanical | Duct Elements| Plenum Atten. There is a mistake in the SI version of the ASHRAE Handbook. Table 13 contains Af coefficients that are a factor of 10 higher than those in the IP Handbook. Also, the formula for calculating TLs below the cut-off frequency has a modification factor of 10.76 for the conversion between square metres and square feet. This results in the SI calculation being off by a factor of 10. To resolve this, we have used the coefficients from the IP Handbook, and applied the 10.76 factor (this gives the most consistent results with the example calculation in the ASHRAE Handbook).
- Fixed Bug: Mechanical | Duct Elements| Plenum Atten offset angle effect was being interpolated incorrectly.
Release V5.22.02a "Macaroni Penguin" - Release Internal to Arup Only
Release Date: 3rd February 2022
New Features:
- Fixed Bug: Strutt Library | Online Library had stopped working
Release V5.22.02 "Macaroni Penguin"
Release Date: 19th January 2022
New Features:
- New Feature: Ratings | C50-3150 spectrum adaptation term extended to low frequencies, as per ISO/TS 19488:2021 and ISO717-1
- New Feature: Ratings | Lnw,50 (i.e. Lnw + CI,50-2500); weighted impact sound pressure level extended to low frequencies, as per ISO/TS 19488:2021 and ISO717-2
- Have modified a piece of code that was being flagged and blocked by Cisco Secure Endpoint so that it is no longer an issue
- Fixed bug: Building Acoustics | Schultz perforated metal calculation incorrect for 45 degrees and 60 degrees (calculation was halving the angles)
- Fixed typo: Minor rounding issues and user form issues with Building Acoustics | Schultz perforated metal form
- Fixed bug: Impact noise spectrum adaption term CI was applied across the range 100 Hz to 3150 Hz (according to ISO717-2, it should only be applied up to 2500Hz)
- Fixed typo: Fundamentals | Wavenumber units updated to radians per unit length, now displays as “angular wavenumber” on ribbon
- Fixed bug: Software | Odeon: Analyse Impulse response and Software | Odeon: Analyse Decay Curves unable to open text files
Release V5.21.09 "Common Loon"
Release Date: 27th August 2021
New Features:
- New Feature: Absorption from Lightweight Wall added to Building Acoustics drop-down.
- Improvement: Speech Privacy Predictor
- Filled out the text in description cell to give more information on the function parameters.
- Add description in comment box for cell containing Speech Excess value.
- STC value inserted into the spreadsheet as an input box (for enclosed spaces).
- Fixed bug: Composite Transmission Loss was double counting one of the rows.
- Fixed bug: Update Strutt Links button was not working for spreadsheets saved in OneDrive folders.
- It is difficult for us to test all scenarios where this issue might occur so please e-mail if you continue to experience issues with Update Strutt Links not working.
- Fixed typo: For Speech Privacy Class, "Standard Speech Privacy" description said “Speech expected to be occasionally unintelligible (brief phrases intelligible every ~15 minutes)”. This should say intelligible.
- Fixed bug: Incorrect insertion losses in some instances for ASHRAE 2019 lined circular duct (63 Hz and 125 Hz) under Mechanical Services | Duct Elements | Straight.
- Fixed bug: In Settings | Preferences, User could not select custom templates folder location (External Strutt users only).
- Fixed bug: In Speech Privacy user form, SPP-specific parameters were not greyed out when SPC button was selected (External Strutt users only).
- Fixed bug: Radius of bend box for Mechanical Services | Duct Elements | Bends has been disabled (radius of bend is only used for ASHRAE lined duct radiused bends and this feature was disabled in Strutt V5.17.02 "Pigeon"). Unlined bend radio button is automatically selected for ASHRAE Radiused bends.
- Fixed bug: The incorrect 1/12 frequency bands were being selected for the ISO Frequency | Preferred Centre Frequency function.
- Fixed typo: Typo in STC Rating comment box in 1/1 octave band sheet.
Notable additions to the Strutt Help pages:
- The latest instalment of the How to “Strutt” series: Setting the correct numerical separators in Excel and Control Panel (for European users).
- More information added to the Speech Privacy Predictor help page.
- Strutt | Settings | Preferences help page updated.
Release V5.21.05 "Kiwi"
Release Date: 30th April 2021
New Features:
- Added Radiation Efficiency to Vibration drop-down
- Added Nord2000 Reflection Loss from Rough Surface to Environmental drop-down
- Added the Dolby 5.1 upper / lower RT limits to the RT sheet as an option along with music and speech. Also added to the Design Criteria and Electroacoustic drop-downs
- Added Speech Privacy Predictor to the Ratings | Sound Insulation | Speech Privacy user form
- Added a calculation of total average absorption coefficients to the RT Sheet
- The ASHRAE 2019 empirical formula is only valid for limited perimeter / area ratios and the ASHRAE guide relies on the tabulated data from previous versions of ASHRAE for perimeter / area ratios outside of this range. Investigation into CIBSE / ASHRAE relationship indicates that the CIBSE formula seems to be the formula that is used to calculate the tabulated data in AHSRAE 2011 for straight lined rectangular ducts. Therefore, the ASHRAE 2019 option in Strutt will return CIBSE / ASHRAE 2011 data by default (in accordance with the ASHRAE 2019 guide) where applicable. Note: in the absence of 63Hz values in the CIBSE methodology, we halve the 125Hz result.
- Fixed Bug: Software | Kaidacity: export filter not working correctly
- Fixed Bug: No formatting of Insert Row(s) from Row Ops drop-down
- Fixed Bug: Incorrect insertion losses in some instances for ASHRAE 2019 lined rectangular duct (63 Hz and 125 Hz)
- Fixed Bug: Composite TL doesn’t work if there are commas in the sheet names
- Fixed Bug: Consolidation of loss and absorption data (1/3 spectrum to 1/1 spectrum) was not including 10kHz value in the consolidation to the 8 kHz octave band.
Release V5.21.02 "Tawny Frogmouth"
Release Date: 1st February 2021
New Features:
- Added AHRI 885-2008 flexible duct insertion loss formula (Mechanical Services | Duct Elements | Flexible)
- Added AHRI 885-2008 flexible duct breakout formula (Mechanical Services | Duct Breakout | Flex Duct Breakout)
- Added SRL Fan Installation Corrections to Empirical menu
- Added insertion loss for mineral fibre ceiling to Empirical menu
- Added AS 60076.10(2009) / IEC 60076-10(2001) to Empirical | Transformer user form
- Added FanTech AirLay attenuator insertion loss data to Strutt library
- Improved description of Building Acoustics | Resonant (Helmholtz) Absorber absorbent locations in user form and in help
- Fixed Bug: Software | Kaidacity: export filter not working correctly
- Fixed Bug: Meters | Rion NL-52 data importer reading numbers as text; dBAdd and dBZ not working
- Fixed Bug: Vibration | Isolation Design | Isolation Pad Sizer not working correctly
- Fixed Bug: Building Acoustics | Porous Absorber & Resonant (Helmholtz) Absorber user forms – some inbuilt insulation types on drop-downs are missing masses and/or names .
- Fixed Typo: Electroacoustics | Critical Distance – sheet input not formatted correctly
- Fixed Bug: Meters | 2250 unhelpful import error messages when data missing in raw data file.
- Fixed Bug: Ratings | Sound Insulation | STC spectrum should be rounded before being rated (as per ASTM E413)
- Fixed Bug: Building Acoustics | Resonant (Helmholtz) Absorber not working correctly in imperial mode
- Fixed Bug: Building Acoustics | Resonant (Helmholtz) Absorber user form – error check broken if absorbent was thicker than cavity depth
- Fixed Bug: Empirical | Transformer not working correctly
- Fixed Bug: Mechanical Services | Regenerated Noise | Duct fitting broken for loss factor = 0 or 1
- Fixed Bug: Ratings | Sound Insulation | Speech Privacy Options - Speech Privacy Class now available in externally-released version of Strutt
- Fixed Bug: Intermittent error messages when saving Strutt sheets, resulting in sheet / calculation details in top right-hand corner not being updated
Release V5.20.09a "Smew"
Release Date: 22nd September 2020
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Bug: Graphing feature not working correctly.
- Fixed Bug: Changing the text in a cell in an existing Strutt workbook before adding a new Strutt formula causes an error message to pop up. Revision number and date are not updated if the modified sheet is saved.
- Fixed Bug: Summary sheet broken.
- Fixed Bug: Schedules broken.
- Fixed Bug: (Unrelated to above) Schedules broken when there is a chart sheet in the workbook.
- Fixed Bug: Vibration | Building Foundation Losses values should go down to 3.15 Hz for masonry buildings.
Release V5.20.09 "Smew"
Release Date: 4th September 2020
New Features:
- Added Rion NL-52 Sound Level Meter data importer (Equipment | Meters | Rion NL-52). Big thank you to Caitlin Riggs for converting her Python parser into VBA for use in Strutt!
- User forms that reference other rows have been updated to only include the sheet name in the reference if the row being referenced is on a different sheet. This will make copying Strutt sheets a much more pleasant experience!
- Added ASHRAE 2011 methodology for plenum attenuation. Note that the formula is the same as ASHRAE 2007, but ASHRAE 2011 imposes a 20 dB limit on transmission loss values below the cut-off frequency, which avoids the unrealistic attenuation values that can occur. NB: there was a typo in the ASHRAE 2007 guide and the low frequency TL formula was incorrect (by a factor of ~10). The typo was corrected in the ASHRAE 2011 handbook. The ASHRAE 2007 formula in Strutt has been updated to rectify this error.
- Added Attenuator Insertion Loss values to Local Strutt library. The insertion losses are from a meta-analysis that was done in the UK, looking into attenuator performance data from various manufacturers.
- Added empirical casing loss values for AHUs.
- Interpolation of flexible duct attenuation has been added for lengths between 0 m and 0.9 m (previously, the attenuation values for 0.9 m were being used for all lengths < 0.9 m). A warning has been added to the sheet for lengths < 0.9 m.
- Straight duct attenuation: Added warning messages to user form if user attempts to use CIBSE lined rectangular duct or ASHRAE 2019 lined duct with an invalid perimeter to area ratio.
- Added user form to select NC rating method.
- Replaced Speech Privacy and Speech Privacy Class options with a single Speech Privacy user form.
- Added link to CoRTN Multi-carriageway template to the Strutt | Templates dropdown.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Bug: Incorrect low frequency transmission losses for plenum attenuation below the cut-off frequency for ASHRAE 2007 methodology. Bug was due to a typo in the AHSRAE 2007 handbook.
- Fixed Typo: Help for Speech Privacy referred to “Gower” rather than “Gover”.
- Fixed Bug: Copying Strutt sheets sometimes resulted in a warning about a broken reference “T”.
- Fixed Bug: TL prediction form was defaulting to “Values” tab instead of “Graphs” tab.
- Fixed Typo: Reverberant Sound Level (from RT) Help File Error: was referring to “reverberant sound power” instead of “reverberant sound pressure”.
- Fixed Bug: Auditorium Acoustics | reflection from Finite Surface broken for Absorption coefficients = 1.0.
- Fixed Bug: Update Row feature broken for Design Criteria | Criteria Comparison.
- Fixed Bug: row referencing occasionally broken for Linear/Log/RMS Addition/Subtraction/Average and for Environmental Noise | ISO1996 Tonality.
- Fixed Bug: Building Acoustics | Kuttruff Wide Room sheet reference for absorption row was referring to Lw row.
- Fixed Bug: The following user forms did not work correctly when referring to rows on different sheets: Auditorium Acoustics | Reflection from Finite Surface & Building Acoustics | Enclosure Loss & Building Acoustics | Indoor Barrier.
- Fixed Bug: NTi importer was importing the values as strings instead of numbers, which caused some Strutt functions (such as dB(Z)) to throw and error.
- Fixed Typo: Vibration | Building Acoustics: values on this menu below 16 Hz were estimates; they have been removed from Strutt.
Release V5.20.05 "Bananaquit"
Release Date: 4th May 2020
New Features:
- Added NTi Sound Level Meter data importer (Equipment | Meters | NTi).
- Added the option of using EN 12354-4:2000 Annex B directivity terms with the “Noise Breakout From Room” calculation. More details on the help page.
- Added ISO 389-7:2005 threshold curve.
- ISO 3891-1978 – Added Noy curves based on Table 13 of the standard (rather than the formula, which gives slightly different Noy ratings in some circumstances).
- Modified the ISO 9613.2 barrier calculation to be a combined barrier/ground attenuation calculation so that the user does not need to manually calculate and subtract the ground attenuation term from the result.
- Improved layout of TRL userforms and layout of output in worksheet.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Insul 9 import: error with Sound Insulation, STC rating import. Note that our How To Strutt Tip for Transmission Loss Prediction has been updated to include Insul 9 instructions.
- Fixed: Duct Transmission Loss Prediction: discrepancy between textboxes and output in worksheet.
- Fixed: TRL Vibratory Piling calculation: start-up and steady-state delta values were swapped.
- Fixed: Resonant Helmholtz Absorber – panel facing sheet thickness resetting to default values.
- Fixed: ISO 9613.2 ground attenuation form has incorrect options enabled when first opened.
- Fixed: Typo of word “maximum” in RT template sheet.
Release V5.20.02 "Eastern Bristlebird"
Release Date: 3rd February 2020
New Features:
- Added ASHRAE 2019 straight duct attenuation values (lined and unlined). For more details, check out our help page on Straight Duct Attenuation.
- Added ANSI/ASA 212.2-2019 noise criteria (NC) calculation methodology.
- Added sanity check to RTSheet: compares the total surface area assigned to materials to the surface area of a nominal cuboid with the same dimensions as the room.
- ISO 3891-1978: new option to calculate the Noy value of a spectrum using the values in Table 13 of the standard (rather than the formula, which gives slightly different Noy ratings in some circumstances).
- ISO 9613.2 barrier attenuation: new option to exclude ground reflections in special circumstances (i.e. when ground reflections are captured by an image source).
- Moved company logo to the right of the Strutt logo to make it easier for external users to insert their own logos (via Strutt -> Settings-> Preferences). This option is disabled for Arup users; sorry!
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Insul import: build-up description text not being concatenated correctly.
- Fixed: B&K 2250/2270 logging mode: Ln stats not being imported correctly.
- Fixed: Updated titles of CIBSE radio buttons to remove reference to ASHRAE (CIBSE formulae give similar values to ASHRAE 2011 tables but they are not directly related to each other).
- Fixed: Updated titles of radio buttons on mechanical forms to make it clear what ASHRAE version the formula relates to.
- Fixed: Deactivate invalid buttons for Straight FanTech regenerated noise for open areas above 43%.
- Fixed: Broken vibration propagation loss help link and missing help page.
- Fixed: Bug in NAP pressure drop interpolation (bug was not triggered when radio buttons on user form were used as there is no interpolation).
- Fixed: Changed “Homepage” link to point to the Strutt help website.
- Fixed: Minor bug in TL Prediction methodology.
Release V5.19.09 "Bin Chicken"
Release Date: 2nd September 2019
New Features:
- Company logo can now be replaced on all Strutt sheets in a workbook (or the Strutt Templates file) via a button on the Preferences menu.
Bug Fixes:
- Turbulent flow dB correction not being applied to duct bend regenerated noise.
- Façade noise break-in: façade area is now added to description column instead of Column D to avoid confusion.
- Library glazing Transmission Loss reference SGG63: value at 3.15 kHz changed from -446 dB to -46 dB.
- Duct breakout: Effective length in imperial mode incorrectly labelled as metres.
- Duct breakout: in imperial mode, Duct Attenuation (dB/ft) was being incorrectly processed internally.
- NAP attenuator regenerated noise: area not being calculated correctly in imperial mode.
- Empirical transformer: error message if for 100 kVA selected.
Kaidacity updated to version 1.3
Release V5.19.05 "Welsh Harlequin"
Release Date: 6th May 2019
Bug Fixes:
- Transmission loss comparison graph not plotting in user form.
- Typo: Description text for BBN double wall: < 0.1 was written as 1.0.
- LDN and LDEN formulae did not contain time averaging component.
- Relabelled “Lw from Vibrating Surface” user form so that units for displacement are um and units for acceleration are m/s^2.
- Rewording of note in “Inside to Outside Noise Transfer” user form to better explain directivity assumptions.
- Spectra import options on 2250 Import user form disabled if logging was done for broadband data only.
- Fixes to scheduling feature – can now generate equipment schedules in separate Strutt sheets.
- Mechanical services user forms now automatically select the previously chosen method when user form is opened again.
- Regenerated Noise for Duct Contraction – typo in description cell.
Release V5.19.02 "Robin"
Release Date: 5th February 2019
New Features:
- New User Form for FanTech rectangular attenuator regenerated noise, including pressure drop calculations.
- ISO 1996-2:2107 Tonality (Annex K) formula added as new feature.
- Updated Autex panel absorption data in database.
- Improvements to the Propagation and Directivity formats, including comments and no. of decimal places.
- Update Mechanical Sheets - no. of decimal places for Propagation and Directivity.
- "Update Strutt Links" feature made available to external users.
- Updated the Plane Source Propagation descriptions to more accurately reflect point/line/plane source regions.
- Addition of the AS/ANZ 2107:2016 Design Criteria form.
Bug Fixes:
- Indoor Barrier form not inputting values to spreadsheet.
- Attenuator Regen Noise Library throws error for attenuators with no face area value.
- CONCAWE Meteorological correction throwing error if distance < 100 m.
- Transmission Loss Prediction Form - unit for "Leaf 1 Inner" damping given as GPa.
- 2250 data import feature mixing up data in when meter used in logging mode.
- Plenum attenuation form throwing error if values are zero instead of waiting for text boxes to be filled in.
- Noise Breakout from Room - TL box referencing incorrect sheet.
- Typo in spectrum for one of the NAP Attenuators
- 2107 Design Criteria form text box allows auto-complete typing and title updated to AS/ANZ 2107.
- Fix Parallel Piped propagation formula.
- Fix bug that allowed user to change surface area in facade break-in calculation and get incorrect results.
Release V5.18.09 "Red-Billed Oxpecker"
Release Date: 3rd September 2018
New Features:
- New User Form for FanTech rectangular attenuator regenerated noise.
- Updated speech privacy descriptions.
Bug Fixes:
- Strutt template workbook stays open if user tries to add a Strutt sheet to a read-only workbook.
- Errors in TRL Vibratory Compaction, Vibrated Stone Columns and Vibratory Piling calculations.
- Error in ASHRAE Vibration and Vibration Criterion calculations.
- Transmission Loss Surface Mass textbox giving incorrect value in imperial mode (doesn't affect calculation results in spreadsheet).
- 125 Hz value for NAP D-Series Silencer Insertion Loss 33% open area 1500 mm length.
- Schultz perforated metal user form doesn't close if invalid values warning is shown.
- Noy rating not working.
- NAP Regenerated Noise errors (in imperial mode only).
- BBN calculation giving same results for 1600 mm and 3200 mm.
- Error with Empirical Cooling Tower Level calculation.
Release V5.18.05 "Wren"
Release Date: 7th May 2018
New Features:
- DIN 4150-3 cosmetic damage curves added to "Criteria->Curves" and "Empirical" menus.
- ISO 3382-3 Speech SPL curve added to "Empirical" menu.
- IEC 60268-16 Speech Weighting curves added to "Empirical" menu.
- Updated "Loggers-> NSW Ambient Noise" to point to latest spreadsheet and removed "Loggers->Weather Data" option
Bug Fixes:
- kg/m2 to lb/ft2 conversion factor was inverted.
- Strutt online absorption library not populating.
- Excel insert... and delete... not working if Strutt is uninstalled.
- 2250 import broken if data collected in 1/1 mode.
Release V5.18.02 "Flappy Bird"
Release Date: 5th February 2018
New Features:
- A selection of mechanical calculations, based on the methods outlined in VDI2081 (a German standard), have been added to the relevant user forms:
- Straight duct attenuation
- Duct end attenuation
- Duct bend attenuation
- Duct junction attenuation
- Straight duct regenerated noise
- Duct damper regenerated noise
- Duct end regenerated noise
- OITC rating addedto the Criteria->Ratings menu.
Bug Fixes:
- Multi-row cross-referencing not working on RT sheet or Mechanical sheet.
- Mistake in 200 Hz value of GT2 curve.
- Error on importing raw 2250 data generated with latest BZ5503 software.
- Preferences -> Open on Startup was opening all Strutt templates.
- RMS Addition and RMS Average not working correctly.
- Update Attenuator insertion losses to use inches instead of feet in imperial format.
- Rw rating for '1 3/4" Solid core door, sealed into frame' was Rw30 instead of Rw20.
- Duct damper regen noise formula incorrect for calculations using imperial units.
- SoundSpeed, Wavenumber and Wavelength formulae returning incorrect values in imperial format.
- Duct Break-in returning incorrect values in imperial format.
- Duct Bend Regen returning incorrect values in imperial format.
Release V5.17.09a "Turkey"
Release Date: 10th November 2017
Bug Fixes:
- Functions on the tools menu requiring range reference inputs (e.g. multi-row crossreference) may not work if more than one spreadsheet is open.
- 1/3 octave level to 1/1 octave level consolidation not working.
- Error on importing raw 2250 data generated with latest BZ5503 software.
- CIBSE unlined duct formula assuming small duct dimensions in all cases.
- Duct Damper Regenerated Noise Attenuation prediction not working correctly in imperial units.
- Perforated metals (Schultz) calculation was incorrect for 45 and 60 degree staggered patterns.
- Kaidacity low frequency imports leave out 1.25 Hz and 3.15 Hz.
- Error with BBN Double Leave TL calculation for 800 mm / 32 inch separation.
- Added error checking to warn user if they attempt to process raw 2250 files with empty RTSpectra and RTDecay sheets.
- Move SAA to absorption menu from sound level menu.
- PNC curve comment incorrect.
- Updated text on the Vibration Loss Prediction user form.
Release V5.17.09 "Turkey"
Release Date: 1st September 2017
New Features:
- Coupled Reverberation Time form now allows the user to dump the energy density decay curves for both steady state excitation and impulsive excitation in the source room (note that reverberation times across octave bands are derived from the steady state formula only).
- Sound Absorption Average (SAA) rating added.
- New additions to absorption library (Autex panels).
- New additions to attenuator insertion loss library (Fantech rectangular attenuators).
Bug Fixes:
- 2250 function not exporting/extracting all data from the source excel data file.
- Latest version of B&K software has new raw data headings and Strutt cannot import the data.
- The Enclosure Loss form was not working correctly.
- Ln,w rating / curve values incorrect on 1/3 octave band sheet.
- Inserting Strutt sheets would give an error if a blank workbook was used in Excel 2010.
- UserData.xlsm location not saved by user preferences.
- 64Bit User32.dll access error resolved.
- BZ5503 sometimes creates raw data files with empty RTSpectra and RTDecay spreadsheets but Strutt did not handle the error properly on import.
Release V5.17.05c "Greater Prairie Chicken"
Release V5.17.05b "Greater Prairie Chicken"
Release V5.17.05a "Greater Prairie Chicken"
Release Date: 10th May 2017
Bug Fixes:
- Strutt Sheet templates would not open when users had their own "PERSONAL.XLSB" file defined with custom macros.
- New RT and Mech Sheets showed a broken reference.
- Typo in Logarithmic Subtraction in Description Cell.
- Mislabelled inputs in Sound Level Difference User Form.
Release V5.17.05 "Greater Prairie Chicken"
Release Date: 2nd May 2017
New Features:
- Transportation Research Laboratory (TRL) Construction Noise and Vibration empirical predictions.
- Sound Level Difference taking into account background noise can now be calculated using either ISO or ASTM methods.
- NIC included in Formatting Menu.
- Vibration Curves menu updated to include correct references to latest standards.
- Strutt's Built-in 'Insert Row' feature is now automatically detected and used when required. It can still be found in the menu if needed. Excel's normal insert functions will be over-ridden in Strutt sheets as needed. There is no change in functionality to normal sheets.
- The Sheet Name and Row of the Scheduled Item is now saved as a comment in Scheduled Items.
- Speech Privacy Class was not calculating the result correctly.
- Local Database had wrong value for for 'Adult Seated' absorption at 2 kHz .
- Room to Room Noise Transfer did not correctly update the 'High' or 'Moderate' absorption option on 'Update Row'.
- 2260 Downloader would fail with some versions of exported file which contained 'Number of Pauses' in a different way.
- Duct Bend insertion loss did not correctly update the number of bends on 'Update Row'.
- BlastVibration had an error in the empirical formula.
- Kuttruff Wide Room function was off by 1 octave band on insertion.
- Barrier Attenuation from the 'Quick Access' Ribbon did not work.
- Insertion of Sparklines in an RT would result in an error.
Release V5.17.02a "Pigeon"
Release Date: 8th February 2017
Bug Fixes:
- Reverberant Level from RT, Reverberant Level from Room Constant, Reverberant Level in Small Rooms and Reverberant Level in Long/Wide Rooms had mysteriously disappeared from the Building Acoustics Menu - They've been reinstated.
- Insul importer did not import spectrum correctly.
Release V5.17.02 "Pigeon"
Release Date: 7th February 2017
New Features:
- Coupled Volumes Reverberation Time Prediction.
- Rodent (R) and Human (H) weighting curves.
- ISO 226:2003 Equal Loudness Contours.
- Fletcher Munson Equal Loudness Contours.
- Single Row Cross-Reference: Updated and improved.
- Multiple Row Cross-Reference: Using V-Lookup.
- Geometric and Amick Vibration Propagation Losses.
- Formatting menu to automatically add number formatting.
- RMS Addition, Subtraction and Averaging.
- Updated "Strutt Result" Features. Now works as expected and updates on changes unlike previous implementation. Note: Any previous worksheets referring to "Strutt Results" are strongly recommended to be updated or checked for accuracy.
- Removed "Strutt Crossreference" feature as it was slow and required the use of volatile functions.
- Minor updates for mechanical services user forms.
- ASHRAE Lined Radiused bend gives odd results. The implementation is as per the ASHRAE guide, however, the results are unreasonable. We've disabled it until it can be resolved.
- ISO 226:1987 (Previously Described as Fletcher Munson Curves), has been updated. New "correct" Fletcher-Munson curves included.
- Noy Curves for low-mid level phones at high frequency had some errors.
- 2260 Downloader now handles cases where the broadband and spectrum have different exponential time weightings. A comment is added to broadband results which have a different time weighting.
Release V5.16.09d "Condor"
Release V5.16.09c "Condor"
Release V5.16.09b "Condor"
Release V5.16.09a "Condor"
Release Date: 31st October 2016
A.K.A Kim's Birthday
New Features:
- New Figureas Carmen Aida seating data added to StruttData.xlsx so it will be available in the 'Local Database'.
- Minor improvements to Composite TL to deal with bad input data more gracefully.
Bug Fixes:
- Porous Absorber and Helmholtz functions did not work in Excel 2010 and 2007. New features using Maa and Putra implementations are now disabled in excel older than 2013. The older implementation using Cox and D'Antonio method is available in these versions. (since Condor).
- TL predictor in Excel 2007 and 2010 would crash due to porous absorber calculation bug above. (since Condor).
- 2250 downloader would fail on many types of files (since Condor).
- Update row in TL prediction would crash in Octave Bands due to comment in the STC calculation.
- Protected sheets would cause an infinite loop on opening.
- Air-cooled chiller empirical prediction did not work. (since Condor).
- Library functions would get an error on "Update Row" if the description in Column B was very short.
- NRC, AlphaW and AlphaWCurve functions were giving incorrect results. (since Condor).
- Schultz Small Room Lprev function frequency was off by 1 octave.
Release V5.16.09 "Condor"
Release Date: 5th September 2016
New Features:
- CNOSSOS environmental calculations have been implemented.
- Degout Barrier Loss implemented.
- New improved environmental noise menu.
- Dn,ew calculation has been added.
- Porous absorbers now includes transmission loss calculations.
- Putra and Ismal theory now implemented for perforated plates.
- New improved Insul importer. Simply copy a spectrum to the clipboard and then import into Strutt from the 'Software' Ribbon.
- NR, NC, NCB, PNC, RNC, RC(I), RC(II), now all work in both 1/1 and 1/3 octave band sheets.
- NC, RNC, NCB, RC(I), RC(II) have been extended down to 16Hz.
- NC rating now gives results between 5dB steps.
- New feature to automatically freeze and unfreeze the headers. Look in the 'Tools' Ribbon.
- Improvements to Templates, Cross-talk calculation now includes Dw and font size for cells outside the calc range have been changed to 8pt by default.
- ASHRAE Vibration curves implemented for all years from 1999-2015.
- Critical distance calculation allows you to choose various methods.
Bug Fixes:
- STC Rating did not properly include the 8dB maximum cut-off check.
- Schedules for custom types did not work and would result in an error.
- TL in imperial units would cause errors.
- TL form would not show total thickness in imperial units.
- Typo in duct-breakout user form in imperial units.
- ASHRAE vibration curves for residential were mixed up.
- CIBSE duct loss form had several bugs.
- Fixed user form "Array of Cooling Towers" formatting issues.
- IntOutletDirectivity had imperial unit errors.
- AreaCorrect did not correctly include the unit conversion for imperial units.
- Typo in menu.
- Reference Inc. / Dec. would fail.
- Vibration menu was re-organised slightly.
- Improvements to Nelson insertion gain forms.
Release V5.16.05a "Dove"
Release V5.16.05 "Dove"
Release Date: 30th April 2016
New Features:
- Speed increased on tab-switching (we found the issue that was causing some slowdowns!).
- New improved row Cross-Referencing system.
- Some revised menu arrangements (eg. Sparklines moved to Formatting).
- Minor bug-fix to 2260 Downloader.
Bug Fixes:
- Minor bug-fix to B&K2260 Downloader
- Rare Div/0 error in TL calculator fixed.
- ISO Barrier loss sometimes gave error in Illuminated Zone - fixed
- Rounding of vibration conversions removed - resulted in some weird results with VC Curves.
Release V5.16.02 "Bee Eater"
Release Date: 1st February 2016
New Features:
- We are transitioning to a new website We will be migrating over slowly. Help pages are now referenced from there.
- Copy Cell Right Unformatted now works on multiple rows at once.
- Inserting noise ratings now works on multiple rows at once.
- Transmission Loss prediction user form upgrade:
- Now shows total wall thickness.
- Now shows effective critical frequency, internal damping and surface density for combined Leaf 1 and Leaf 2.
- Now shows Mass-Air-Mass resonant frequency.
- Includes Rw or STC reference curve on the graph.
- Speed up of code. Editing, copying and pasting should see a speedup due to changes in the change tracking code and removal of volatile functions.
Bug Fixes:
- Composite TL would throw an error if non-numeric data was passed to it. Fixed.
- 2260 Stats Downloader would only import A-Weighted data when A and C were selected. Now imports both. Fixed.
- 1/3 Octave Band Centre frequency heading was incorrect on 1/3 Octave Sheets. Fixed.
- Criteria Comparison is now more robust against incorrect entry of significant figures.
- Removed rounding to nearest 0.1dB in vibration conversion formulas as it caused compounding errors with multiple conversions.
- ISO Barrier Attenuation would give errors in some conditions when in the 'Illuminated Zone'.
Release: V5.15.12 "Partridge"
Release Date: 10th December 2015
- Improved 2250/2270 downloader, now strutts reverberation time results.
- New RT Template now includes Room Constant and switched the Air absorption to 'Air Attenuation' in dB/m (or ft). This allows ISO or CONCAWE data to be used if required. New Functions now implemented are:
- Sabine
- Eyring
- Millington-Sette
- Zhang
- Kuttruff
- Arau-Puchades
- Fitzroy (Eyring)
- Fitzroy (Sabine)
- Fitzroy-Kuttruff
- Fitzroy-Neubauer
- Kang-Orlowski
- Added empirical input menu to StruttMech Ribbon
- Added ToolTips to describe the 'Low Alpha' and 'Moderate Alpha' in the facade break-in calculation
- Improved Keyword search in Library database lookups. Now looks for any match containing each keyword not a match to the whole string
- Library database table widened and font size decreased slightly to improve amount of information which can be read in the 'Description' field which was often not sufficient.
- Added note to Empirical Generator Lw to advise users that the Lw is for the 'Alternator Only'. Ie it doesn't include the moving mass noise to avoid possible ambiguity.
- Fixed. Dynamic ribbon and menus were not functioning correctly.
- Fixed. Change Sign of Row(s) only worked on 1 row.
- Fixed. Update row on facade noise break-in calculation would mix-up the 'Low Alpha' and 'Moderate Alpha' option.
- Fixed. 2250 Downloader gave GMT times not local times.
- Fixed. 2250 Downloader would fail when RT data was in the sheet.
- Fixed. Imperial Mechanical Services Sheet had a unit conversion error in the Room Correction.
- Fixed. Update row on Quick RT always changed the absorber type to 'Substantial LF Absorption'.
- Fixed. Automatic fixes to Strutt.xlam paths sometimes did not work. Improved algorithm.
- Fixed. Empirical Generator Lw had an Imperial unit conversion error.
- Fixed. Empirical PA Levels form defaulted to 'Cancel' for the enter key.
- Fixed. Attenuator Regenerated Noise Library would reset selection when entering a correction Area.
- Fixed. Update Row for Conformal Area propagation loss would incorrectly insert the width in the height box.
- Fixed. Mech Services tab did not 'show' and 'hide' after updating user preferences.
- Fixed. Kang-Orlowski RT equation was missing a term.
Release: V5.15.11 "Kingfisher"
Release Date: 2nd November 2015
- Transition to a new website We will be migrating over slowly. Help pages are now referenced from there.
- All new improved 2250/2270 downloader. Supports mixed 1/1 and 1/3 octave and broadband values. Reverberation time results can not be imported yet. Watch this space.
- Facade noise break-in calculation now takes into consideration your distance from the facade.
- Lntw with Ci adaptation is now available under "Ratings" menu.
- Olsen Speech Lw levels are now available in the "Empirical" menu.
- Help pages now load with the help menu on the side frame.
- Fixed. UTF-8 Characters hard-coded in the code were causing compile errors in Chinese language locales.
- Fixed. Unusual "Server Not Found" error would sometimes appear. Should not appear now.
- Fixed. Number of sources was not taken into account in Lp,rev from Lw.
- Fixed. 2250 Downloader gave a "RT Room" sheet missing error.
- Fixed. dB(Z) filter shape has been confirmed as being "Flat" over the whole spectrum. No change was required to this function.
- Fixed. "Office Furniture" was misspelled as "Office Forniture" in the database.
- Fixed. Plenum absorption coefficients in the plenum loss were incorrectly calculated causing strange behaviour with low coefficients.
- Fixed. Flow resistivity accidentally swapped the "Density" and "Porosity" values.
Release: V5.15.09a "Noisy Miner"
Release Date: 21st October 2015
- Most of the help pages are now working.
- Fixed. Date-specific bug in the flux capacitor.
Release: V5.15.09 "Woodpecker"
Release Date: 1st September 2015
- Sparklines can now be added and removed from Strutt Menus
- A whole new scheduling mechanism to assist with creating attenuator, fan and other MEP equipment has been added.
- Automatic conditional formatting to visually assist in viewing spectral data. Two types are available, Row Formatting, and for Mech and RT Sheets, a special Sheet Formatting can be applied to the cumulative Lw and Total Sabines respectively.
- An improved system for creating Summary Pages of results. Any Strutt calculation sheet can now be assigned to be the Result. The Summary Sheet will then find this Result Row and show the values from each sheet. If you change the Result Row in any calculation page, the Summary Page will update accordingly.
- The Help Button is now working on all forms. Some help pages have been updated, but some still require some work and some are still missing. This is a work in progress so please bear with us.
- New Imperial Mechanical and Crosstalk calculation sheet templates.
- Fixed. PERCENTILE.INC( function would automatically be renamed to PERCENTILE.INCCurve() erroneously (due to legacy code from SoundPad).
- Fixed. dBSub form gave errors when subtracting noise levels between different sheets
- FIxed. Duct TL breakout had imperial unit errors
- Fixed. Duct Breakout calculation used to fail with 0dB/m attenuation
- Fixed. Lw from vibrating surface had a unit input error and is out by a factor of 1000.
- Fixed. Sometimes you would receive errors when inserting a new strutt sheet if there is no workbook open
- Fixed. Lp,rev does not include the increase for multiple sources
- Fixed. Bug relating to straight circular duct attenuation. The ASHRAE 1991 implementation would cause an error if the duct diameter was too large.
- Fixed. Bug where the Strutt Insert Row function would fail on old SoundPad sheets.
- Fixed. Access factor in perforated metal sheets was off by 1 octave band
Release: V5.15.06 "Sea Gull"
Release Date: 30th June 2015
Release: V5.15.04b "Sea Eagle"
Release Date: 30th April 2015
- Now works on 64-bit Excel
- Removal of dependence on Excel Analysis Toolpak
- Fixed. Strutt sheets were not able to be added when no other worksheet was present
- Fixed. Porous absorber fixes to form and to prediction
- Fixed. Helmholtz absorber fixes to prediction
- Fixed. Reset formatting and insert row would result in strange formatting
Release: V5.15.04a "Sea Eagle"
Release Date: 22nd April 2015
- New: Faster and improved switching between sheets
- New: Dynamic context menus for cells
- New: Overhaul of User Preferences. Now you can choose locations for various files such as templates, and local and user library files.
- New: Overhaul of input library forms. Including:
- Standardised look
- Selection from Local, Online, User or Generic library sources (varies between data types).
- New improved search functionality within these forms.
- Ability to "Update Row" and have it recall your previous selection
- Note (Uploading of data is currently temporarily disabled until such time as we can get this working with the new system)
- New: Limited recovery from VBA Runtime errors where previously the Ribbon stopped working. Choosing a new menu item from the Strutt Ribbon will now reinitialise the Ribbon following a VBA error.
- New: Vibration Isolator efficiency spectrum prediction
- Fixed. Startup errors when people had a PERSONAL.XLSB file.
- Fixed. Semi-reverberant space now puts the result across the spectrum
- Fixed. User preferences now update correctly and immediately (eg switching between imperial and metric units)
- Fixed. Increasing CIBSE duct length did not increase attenuation.
- Fixed. CIBSE duct bend attenuation returned #N/A for frequencies above 1kHz
- Fixed. Reverberant sound level from RT had a referencing error where the sheet name was dropped off the cell reference when you selected a source from another sheet.
- Fixed. Setting MAM (Minimum Audible Field) for the Phon Curve function resulted in the wrong curve.
- Fixed. Bug in the SoundPad Legacy handling code where full page plots would cause the code to stop working.
- Fixed. Bug with VC curves greater than A returning an error.
- Fixed. Atmospheric attenuation set back to having drop down lists of banded input for Temp and Relative humidity.
Release: V5.15.02c "Albatross"
Release Date: 23rd February 2015
- New: Added dBZ function for linear broadband rating (it replaces dBAdd, to be more explicit and in line with ISO Standard naming conventions). dBAdd is still available but is used for adding rows, rather than for broadband rating.
- New: Added new feature to allow the user to "forcibly" update legacy SoundPad functions to be compatible with Strutt. In most cases this should happen automatically but we've found a few cases where it doesn't. This new menu item can be found under "Settings", and can be used in cases where old SoundPad functions don't rename to a _Legacy function, as they should.
- New: Modified the behaviour of the "Consolidate 1/3 to 1/1 Octave" functions so that they now work in 1/3 octave sheets and put the result at the centre band
- Fixed. Error with JunctionRegen where % were a factor of 100 out.
- Fixed. Some minor errors with SoundPad Legacy function handling
- Fixed. Unit conversion error in Imperial mode in TL Prediction
- Fixed. Bug with VC curves greater than A returning an error.
- Fixed. Atmospheric attenuation is now negative as per Strutt standard conventions
- Fixed. Small error in STC 1/1 band rating approximation
Release: V5.15.02b "Albatross"
Release Date: 25th January 2015
- Improved speed when opening non-Strutt workbooks
- Can now insert Strutt Functions in all types of sheets - Less restrictive
- Fixed a bug where after entering data into a worksheet it would prevent further editing
- Fixed bug dealing with "Protected Sheets". Entering data in protected sheets is now disabled
- Fixed bug dealing with "Protected Workbooks" and "Read-only Workbooks". Both types would cause problems under different circumstances relating to tracking of modification times and sheet formatting
- Fixed bug dealing with "Protected View" mode when opening sheets from websites which would cause errors in some circumstances
- Fixed bug where trying to insert a Strutt sheet in a .xls file caused an error. Strutt sheet insertion into .xls files is now prohibited. .xls files must be upgraded to .xlsx files for Strutt to work.
- Fixed bug where Strutt functions become unavailable under many circumstances
- Fixed a bug where copying a worksheet would result in Strutt not working on the new sheet
- Fixes to the Mechanical Services & Reverberation Time templates where some of the "Room Calculations" and comparison to criteria were not correct in the template, and fixed some mistakes in the graph frequency range.
- Fixed bug where RT Imperial sheet would not be used when in Imperial Units mode
- Fixed bug in "Facade Noise Breakin" where reverberant and direct components where switched. Direct calculation also required faced size. This is no longer required.
- Fixed bug with Logarithmic Subtraction
- Fixed bug with "Quick RT", where the "Moderate Absorption" and "Low Absorption" modes where switched
- Fixed bug in Reverberant Sound Pressure Level from RT unit conversion problem in Imperial.
- Fixed bug with Room-To-Room Noise transfer unit conversion errors in Imperial.
- Fixed bug on 1/3 Oct. B&K 2260 Download which skipped 2.5kHz
- Fixed bug with Flow Split %. Due to % not being correctly converted to a fraction.
- Fixed bug with Straight Duct losses where user selection of "Internal Clear" or "Duct Dimensions" was ignored.
- Fixed bug with Imperial unit conversion error in Straight Duct Calc
- Fixed bugs / improved Duct Bend Attenuation user form for "Blue Book" method where Mitred / Radiused bend combinations where not functioning correctly
- Fixed bug in Plenum calculation which was not back-calculating the angle of view between inlet & outlet.
- Fixed bug in Plenum calculation with incorrect tabulated values
- Fixed bug in Noise Barrier which allowed "Double Diffraction Barrier" to work in MAEKAWA where it shouldn't.
- Fixed bug in Alpha W which had incorrect values being reported
- Fixed bug with Ln,w rating giving incorrect result
- Fixed bug with Porous Absorber where inserting a facing thickness value would cause an error
- Fixed bug with Helmholtz Absorber where inserting a facing thickness value would cause an error
- Fixed bug with Absorption From Heavy Wall which caused a #NAME error
- Fixed bug in AS 2670.2 Vibration curve. The curve was offset by 1/1 octave.
- Fixed bug in BS6841 Curve which returned #VALUE error
- Fixed bug with BS7385 where Curves 1 & 2 were switched
- Fixed bug (NOTE: Old Bug from SoundPad) Where the ASHRAE 2007 vibration curves where incorrectly defined
- Fixed bug in NIST-A where spectrum was offset by 1/1 octave
- Fixed bug in VC where vibration spectrum was offset by 1/1 octave
- Fixed bug in Wavelength where spectrum was offset by 1/1 octave
- Fixed bug in Wavenumber where spectrum was offset by 1/1 octave
- Fixed bug in Room-To-Room Noise transfer in 1/3 octave the result was offset by 1/1 octave
- Fixed bug in Room-To-Room Noise Transfer where it would give an 'Method Range Object' error
- Fixed bug in Radiated Lw from vibrating structure where vibration units were not converted correctly
- Fixed bug in Vibration Converter where Acceleration was not correctly converted to Level from dB
- Extended Range to "Full Spectrum" for the following functions:
- Number of Sources
- Area Correction
- Contingency
- Point Source
- Angle of View Correction
- Reflector (Rindel)
- Early & Late Sound Level, Music & Speech
- D50
- C80
- ST-1
- Quick RT
- Plantroom noise breakout
- In-Out room Breakout
- Fixed SoundPad backwards compatibility with 1/3 - 1/1 "Attenuation" consolidation was not working
- Fixed SoundPad backwards compatibility with reverberation time calculations
- Fixed SoundPad backwards compatibility with LMGenerator
- Fixed spelling mistakes in Noise Barrier user form
- Fixed spelling mistake in context menu "Mechical" to "Mechanical"
- Many other more minor fixes...
Release: V5.15.02a "Albatross"
Release Date: 28th January 2015
- Fixed 'Showstopper' bug. Oops.
Release: V5.15.02 "Albatross"
Release Date: 25th January 2015
Totally re-engineered to give you the best user experience, and to make it easier for us to fix and develop Strutt further in the future. Many of the changes are 'under the hood' for improved performance.
- New templates.
- automatic record of the revision history
- Strutt ribbon is now layed out more intuitively, and includes a dedicated mechanical services calculation ribbon and a "Quick Access" menu
- Dynamic ribbons - responding to the type of calculation sheet you are using, and automatically greying out functions that don't operate in some circumstances.
- Undo function!
- Installation folder has now changed from C:\Progam Files\Oasys\OvaExcel to local user directory - so no more administrator rights issues.
- Automatic detection of the location of the installation folder on file open
- Improved Job Number and Job Title management
- 2250 and 2270 downloader updates to be compatible with newest firmware
- Bugfixes for 2260 downloader
- Major overhaul of the mechanical services functions.
- 'Update Row' feature works more consistently and for all functions
Release: V0.4.14.06 "Hummingbird"
Release Date: 10th June 2014
- Updated B&K 2260 importer
Release: V0.4.13.11 "Hawk"
Release Date: 29th November 2013
- New and improved B&K 2260 importer
- Fixed regenerated noise predictions in imperial units
- Fixed Schultz lightweight panel absorbers frequency offset error
- Fixed bug with full-page charts crashing Strutt
- Fixed conformal area distance bug with imperial units
- Fixed "Delete Row" not working when a whole row was selected
- Fixed "Report Bug" email title from SoundLab to Strutt
- Updated formatting on worksheets
Release: V0.4.13.08 "Crowe"
Release Date: 21st August 2013
- Adopted ornithological release naming convention
- Added email link for bug reports and feature requests to preferences menu
- Automated correction of broken links on file open
- Fixed bugs in Duct Bend blue-book method not inserting results into sheet
- Fixed CIBSE Straight Duct loss not scaling for length
- Automatic conversion of european decimal ("1,3") to international decimal ("1.3") and other numeric input box validation checks
- Added reset of revision history in Preferences
- New and improved .exe installation process
Release: V0.4.13.06 "Raven"
Release Date: 11th June 2013
- Save to Intranet Databases - the "Save Current Row to User Data" feature in the right-click menu now gives you the option of uploading data directly to the AAc intranet sound level, absorption or TL databases
- Updates to the Transmission Loss Calculator, allowing prediction of TL in Imperial units, as well as some minor bug fixes and tweaks.
- A Software Download section, allowing easy interface between Strutt and Odeon, Kaidacity and WinMLS
- Adding the CIBSE duct element attenuation and regenerated noise formulae to the Mechanical Services calculations
- Revision of the Duct End Reflection calculation to match latest ASHRAE guidance
- Bug fix for Duct TL predictor in Imperial units
- Bug fix for worksheets crashing for some users when adding Mechanical Services sheet
- Automatic generation of graphs in the Mechanical Services sheet and the Reverberation Time sheet, allowing you to see your calculation results visually as you make changes.
- Adding a very detailed sound absorption calculation worksheet (Detailed Sound Absorber) in Templates menu
- Adding a database of rain noise test data to ISO 140-18.
- Adding a rain noise prediction calcsheet for metal deck roofs (in Templates menu) based on CSR Red Book approach
- Updates to the vibration section, including tweaks to the eVDV calc, new weighting functions from BS6841
- Version Checking - a new "time stamp" feature that automatically keeps track of version changes whenever you save your calculation
Release: V0.4.13.01 "Budgerigar"
Release Date: 7th January 2013
- Key usability enhancements to the new Transmission Loss predictor, including more up-to-date and expansive input data.
- Transmission Loss related functions are now grouped under the 'Transmission Loss' menu.
Release: V0.4.12.12 'NextGen'
Release Date: 12th December 2012
- Transition of Strutt to a Ribbon-oriented user interface to make Strutt Office 2007/2010 native.
- A Transmission Loss Calculator, allowing prediction of TL for single and multi-leaf structures without opening another program
- An Auditorium Acoustics calculation menu, including reflector design tools and auditorium analysis tools (include data handling for Odeon and WinMLS result data)
- Expanded Building Acoustics capabilities, including a very detailed sound absorption calculation, and additional reverberation time formulae
- Additional empirical data predictors, rating curves, useful calculation short-cuts and more.
- It's a new look - now with Times New Roman font for all calc sheets to match the corporate style
- Automatic link updater for broken .xlam references to Strutt
- Converted to .xlam file, AAcFunctions.xla and Strutt.xla no longer strutted
Release: V0.3.11.12
Release Date: 23rd December 2011
- Added links to display Strutt toolbars
- Changed graphing feature to match new corporate style
- Added blank calc sheets for Duct Crosstalk and Fan to Atmosphere.
- Fixed bug in CoRTN calc sheets for low traffic flows
Release: V0.3.9.91
Release Date: 22nd September 2009
- Excel 2007 Compatibility Release
Release: V0.3.9.51 (Last release for Excel 2003)
Release Date: 14th May 2009
- Completed Help documentation for Strutt
- Added US data to transmission loss, attenuator/silencer and absorption databases
- Added predictor for absorption coefficients from porous absorber
- Added predictor for absorption coefficients from perforated/slotted resonant Helmholtz absorber
- Added Schultz perforated metals calculation (access factor and transmission loss)
- Updated formula for line source distance correction (added options for coherent/incoherent source, finite-length source)
- Added calculation for Sound Exposure Level from moving point source
- Updated BB93 UK Schools calculation sheets to show formulae on calcsheets
- Bug Fix: Implemented Car/HGV Engine/HGV Exhaust split in split-height CoRTN spreadsheet
- Bug Fix: Adjusted barrier and ground effect corrections in split-height CoRTN spreadsheet
- Bug Fix: Corrected bug in CoRTN spreadsheet which prevented results showing when barrier used
Release: V0.2.9.21
Release Date: 9th February 2009
- Updated calculation formula for Distance Correction (Plane Source)
- Bug Fix: Corrected bug in downloading 1/3 octave data from B+K 2260.
- Bug Fix: Corrected bug in RT calc where Eyring formula for 8 kHz doesn't show.
- Bug Fix: Corrected bug where Strutt menus disappear.
Release: V0.2.8.81
Release Date: 22nd August 2008
- Added Typical vocal Lw levels (from Klark Teknik audio designer handbook)
- Added downloader for RTA Type 4 loggers
- Added Distance Correction from Array of Point Sources calc.
- Added time correction - 10log(t1/t2)
- Added Angle of View calculation
- Added eVDV (Estimated Vibration Dose Value) calc/rating
- Added Response Factor rating
- Added ISO3891 Equal-Noisiness Curves
- Added PN dB rating (perceived noise level) and noisiness rating (noy)
- Added surface area input to RT calc sheet for Eyring calc
- Added 'adjustment' feature to criteria comparison - allowing a constant to be added to criteria value (e.g. BG+5)
- Added input box for number of bends in duct bend calc
- Bug Fix: Corrected bug in converting some 1/3 octave absorption coefficients to 1/1 octave
- Bug Fix: Corrected bug in circular lined ductwork calc
- Bug Fix: Corrected bug in Distance Correction (Plane Source) calc for point source region
- Bug Fix: Corrected bug in Duct TL predictor with incorrect material properties entered
- Bug Fix: 2250 Downloader now checks that all necessary data sheets are included when sorting (and notifies user if there's a problem)
Release: V0.2.8.72
Release Date: 21st July 2008
- Bug Fix: Corrected bug where intranet databases not accessible from some machines
- Bug Fix: Corrected bug with Strutt automatic installer
Release: V0.2.8.71
Release Date: 8th July 2008
- First release of Strutt 0.2.0
- Added Curves to Graphing Feature
- Added ASHRAE formulae to mechanical services calculations
- Reorganised regenerated noise calc features - arranged by calc type rather than by formula
- Updated vibration converter to convert from velocity, acceleration and displacement
- Added Fletcher-Munson (ISO226) equal-loudness curves and ratings
- Added Alpha W weighted absorption curve and weighting
- Added Standard calculation sheet links
- Added UK Schools (BB93) calculation sheets
- Added 'Fundamental Calculations' menu
- Added Number of Sources and Area correction factors
- Added Wavelength and Wavenumber calculation
- Added Indoor Barrier calc
- Added Double-diffraction barrier calc
- Added Enclosure calculation
- Added empirical equipment noise predictions (Laymon Miller and Bies and Hansen formulae): Absorption Chiler, Air Compressor, Boiler, Chiller, Cooling Tower, Electric Motor, Generator, Gas Turbine, Internal Combustion Engine, Pump, Steam Turbine, Transformer
- Added empirical Muffler insertion loss prediction
- Added duct TL predictor
- Added excess attenuation calcs from propagation through foliage and industrial sites
- Added 1/3 to 1/1 octave absorption converter
- Added generic database option to absorption and transmission loss databases
- Modified sound level and transmission loss databases to work on 1/3 octave sheets.
Release: V0.1.8.12
Release Date: 16th January 2008
- Added Graphing Features - B/W and Colour Graphs; Graph Resize; Add Rows to Graph
- Bug Fix: Corrected bug that prevented RT Calc Sheet from inserting
Releas: V0.1.8.11
Release Date: 7th January 2008
- Added Distance Correction - Lp from Lw for Line Source (Cylindrical Propagation)
- Added Empirical Correction for Fan Casing Noise from In-Duct Noise
- Bug Fix: Corrected bug where Strutt menus disappear.
Release: V0.1.7.91
Release Date: 3rd September 2007
- Added Ratio of Distances calculation (for point source and line source)
- Speech privacy rating
- Added form for guidance about AS2107-2000 recommended design internal sound levels
- Added pressure drop calculation to NAP Attenuator Regenerated Noise calc
- Exceedance Calculator - determines if one row of the spreadsheet is in excess of another row and formats exceedances in red.
- Added NRC Rating
- Added dB(C) rating
- Added Environmental Noise Toolbar
- CONCAWE meteorological correction - added calculator for meterorological category
- Modified vibration converter to work in any calculation sheet
- Modified vibration curves to work in any calculation sheet
- Modified vibration ratings to work in any calculation sheet
- Added Rw+Ctr function
- Added Brüel and Kjær Type 2260 download function.
- Modified Empirical Fan Noise function to place TSP and flowrate values in worksheet cells
- Removed Source Directivity from Lp from Plane Lw Calculation - source directivity should now be entered separately.
- Bug Fix: STC rating
- Bug Fix: IIC rating
Release: V0.1.7.71
Release Date: 2nd July 2007
- Bug Fix: 1/3 to 1/1 Loss now works with negative and positive TLs.
- Bug Fix: Transmission Loss Input Data now reinstated.
- Woods Regenerated Noise - now can directly input the turbulent correction into the form.
- Bug Fix: 2250 Download sheet now works with 1/1 octave measurements
- Bug Fix: Source Directivity values in Mech Services spreadsheets now calculate when the sheet is inserted.
- Added BBN Method for empirical calculation of double wall transmission loss
- Added ISO9613.2 formula for barrier attenuation (including meteorological correction).
- Added ISO9613.2 ground attenuation
- Added ISO9613.2 atmospheric absorption
- Added CONCAWE ground attenuation
- Added CONCAWE atmospheric absorption
- Added CONCAWE meteorological correction
- Added CONCAWE source height correction
- Added Vibration Criterion (VC) curves and ratings
- Added NIST-A vibration curve
- Added ASHRAE vibration curves and ratings
- Added Clear Row feature to right-click to remove values, comments and formats from a row.
Release: V0.1.7.52
Release Date: 31st May 2007
- Bug Fix in Vibration Converter - 20 log (x) rather than 10 log (x)
- NAP Regenerated Noise - Changed cell display to show attenuator model number automatically
- Updated References in Full Mech Services spreadsheet
- Updated 1/3 to 1/1 Octave TL converter to work with positive and negative TLs
- Woods Regenerated Noise - Corrected Error from MechServices Spreadsheet - Area in m^2 not mm^2
- Woods Regenerated Noise - Changed to allow the flow velocity to be adjusted at spreadsheet level, not user form level
Release: V0.1.7.51
Release Date: 9th May 2007
- Fixed NR Curve in Mech Services Sheets - Doesn't copy 63 Hz formula across
- Added conditional formatting to Mech Services Sheets - shows exceedances of criteria in red
- Added tool to change sign of row
- Added shortcut to Paste Special|Paste Values
- Updated Row Reference to fill in 1/1 Octave Values in appropriate places on 1/3 Octave Sheet
- Added C and Ctr features to Rw calculation
- Added Interpolate 1/1 Octave row to 1/3 octave
- Added Extended Low Frequency 1/3 Octave Calculation Sheet
- Added AS2670, BS5228 and BS7385 Vibration Curves
- Added Vibration converter for Velocity to/from dB and Acceleration to/from dB
- Changed NR, NC, PNC, RC and N Curves to work in 1/3 octave band sheets (by filling in 1/1 octave band values)
- Removed RT Comparison chart from RT Sheets (was causing errors with Strutt user functions)
- Added NAP Attenuator data to StruttData (internal database)
- Added calculation for regenerated noise from NAP Attenuators.
- Added IIC Curve
Release: V0.1.7.42
Release Date: 16th April 2007
- Updated RT Calc to reference correct row on RT Calc Sheet (after introduction of Fitzroy RT Formula)
- Fixed bug in Rwo function; now strutts calculations made with older versions of AAC Functions
Release: V0.1.7.41
Release Date: 13th April 2007
- Added Brüel & Kjær Type 2250 Download feature
- Updated Row Reference and 1/3 to 1/1 Octave Level to work with new Type 2250 Templates
- Updated Insert Transmission Loss and Insert Absorption Data to access intranet databases as well as internal data
- Full Mech Services Sheet - Cumulative Lw formulae now will update references automatically when the user inserts or deletes a row using the Strutt Insert Row and Delete Row features.
- Updated Rw, STC, Ln,w ratings to work with negative TL inputs.
- Updated Row Reference to work on sheets other than the current sheet
- Updated Spherical Distance Correction to use drop down guidance for directivity to avoid confusion about directivity factor/ directivity index
- Fixed some incorrect calculation descriptions; ensured same sign convention used in all calcs; fixed some incorrect function calls.
- Added Input Data Toolbar
- Changed cell border colours to improve clarity of printed data sheets.
Release: V0.1.7.31
Release Date: 30th March 2007
Release: V0.0.9.4
Release Date: not publically released
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