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Sound Level Difference    1/1, 1/3

Strutt|Building Acoustics|Sound Level Difference calculates the sound level difference between a source and receiver room, taking into account the background noise level of the receiver room:

ISO 10140-4 (2010)

Where the background noise level in the receiver room is 15 dB or more below the measured receiver room noise level:

Where the background noise level in the receiver room is 6 - 15 dB below the measured receiver room noise level:

Where the background noise level in the receiver room is 6 dB or less below the measured receiver room noise level, it shall be clearly indicated in the report that a 1.3 dB correction has been made and these values are the limit of measurement:

If the user ticks the "Report Limits of Measurement instead of Level Difference" box, the function will report whether or not a correction to the receiver room level as been applied as follows:

ASTM E336-11

Where the background noise level in the receiver room is more than 10 dB below the measured receiver room noise level:

Where the background noise level in the receiver room is 5 - 10 dB below the measured receiver room noise level:

Where the background noise level in the receiver room is less than 5 dB below the measured receiver room noise level, it shall be clearly indicated in the report that a 2 dB correction has been made and these values are the limit of measurement:

If the user ticks the "Report Limits of Measurement instead of Level Difference" box, the function will report whether or not a correction to the receiver room level as been applied as follows:

ASTM E336-20

Where the background noise level in the receiver room is 6 dB or more below the measured receiver room noise level:

Where the background noise level in the receiver room is less than 6 dB below the measured receiver room noise level, it shall be clearly indicated in the report that a 1.26 dB correction has been made and these values are the limit of measurement:

If the user ticks the "Report Limits of Measurement instead of Level Difference" box, the function will report whether or not a correction to the receiver room level as been applied as follows:

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