The Transmission Loss Prediction feature in Strutt provides a comprehensive user form from which you can calculate the transmission loss of custom partition build-ups.
In the Calculations group, go to Transmission Loss → Transmission Loss Prediction to open the user form. Check out the comprehensive help page on the Prediction tool for more information on the theory behind it and how to use it.
The Strutt Transmission Loss prediction tool allows for single or double leaf build-ups. Another transmission loss prediction tool (which allows triple leaf build-ups) is Insul (a non-Arup software tool).
Insul transmission loss spectra can be easily imported into Strutt. Once you have created your build-up in Insul, go to Tools → Copy spectrum to Clipboard (see Figure 1).
Open your Strutt 1/1 or 1/3 Octave Band Sheet and, from the Equipment group, select Software → Insul: Import from Clipboard (see Figure 2).
The Insul spectrum will be imported into Strutt, with the details of the build-up listed in the Description column (as in Figure 3).
Update for Insul 9
Insul 9 has a new user interface. In order to copy spectral data from Insul 9, click Edit → Copy Data (see Figure 4). The data can then be imported into Strutt by following the same steps outlined above.
There is a known bug in Insul 9 that prevents Sound Insulation data from being imported into Strutt if the STC metric is selected in Insul. To work around this, select the Rw metric, copy the data (via Edit → Copy Data) and import into Strutt. You can then calculate the STC rating of the sectrum from within Strutt.
Happy Strutting (around the Christmas Tree)!
p.s. did you notice the top right-hand corner?