
Strutt Help

Regenerated Noise from Bends    1/1

Strutt|Mechanical Services|Regenerated Noise|Bend inserts the sound power level of regenerated noise due to duct bends into the active row of the worksheet.

Regenerated noise can be calculated using the Woods, SRL or CIBSE methods.

The simple CIBSE method calculates the regenerated noise using:

`L_W=K_t+10log(S)+60log(V)+C+Delta L_("turb")`

`K_t` is a constant depending on the duct fitting type. `K_t=0` for a radiused bend; `K_t=10` for a mitred bend with turning vanes
`S` is the duct cross-sectional area (mē)
`V` is the duct velocity (m/s)
`C` is a spectrum correction term (from Table 5.1 CIBSE Guide B)
`DeltaL_(turb)` is a user-inputted correction (dB) increasing the sound power levels to account for turbulent inflow onto the fittings.

Note there is a more-detailed CIBSE method based on the pressure loss factor etc. which is not implemented in Strutt at this time but is being considered for future releases.


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