Strutt|Input Data|Library|Attenuator Regen and Strutt|Mechanical Services|Regenerated Noise|Attenuator (Library) allow the user to insert regenerated noise levels from attenuators/silencers into the active row of the worksheet.
The IAC type attenuator values in the database are for a specific attenuator face area (which varies depending on the attenuator design). The user has the option
to use these reference values, or make a correction to these values for the actual face area of the attenuator to be used. Option buttons are provided to switch between these two calculation options.
When Face Area Correction is used, Strutt automatically reads in the reference face area of the attenuator from the database and adds a correction to the attenuator sound level:
`Co rrection = 10*log_10(A/A_0)`
where `A` is the face area of the attenuator used and `A_0` is the reference face area of that attenuator type.