
Strutt Help

Empirical Small Air Compressor Noise Prediction    1/1

Strutt|Input Data|Empirical|Air Compressor (Small) inserts sound power levels into the active row of the worksheet. Sound power levels are applicable up to 75 kW and have been calculated from sound pressure levels at 1m distance.

Sound power levels have been calculated using the following sound pressure levels (dB):

Power (kw) Up to 1.5 2 - 6 7 - 75
31.5 Hz 82 87 92
63 Hz 81 84 87
125 Hz 81 84 87
250 Hz 80 83 86
500 Hz 83 86 89
1 kHz 86 89 92
2 kHz 86 89 92
4 kHz 84 87 90
8 kHz 81 84 87


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