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Empirical Pump Noise Prediction    1/1

Strutt|Input Data|Empirical|Pump inserts sound power levels into the active row of the worksheet.

Sound power levels have been calculated from estimated sound pressure levels generated by a pump, at a distance of 1m from its surface where sound pressure levels are calulated by:

Speed Range (rpm) Under 75 kW Above 75 kW
3000-3600 `72 + 10log_10(kW)` `86 + 3log_10(kW)`
1600-1800 `75 + 10log_10(kW)` `89 + 3log_10(kW)`
1000-1500 `70 + 10log_10(kW)` `84 + 3log_10(kW)`
450-900 `68 + 10log_10(kW)` `82 + 3log_10(kW)`

The octave band sound pressure levels have then been calulated by subtracting the corrections in Table 11.11 Bies and Hansen.


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