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Empirical Chiller Noise Prediction    1/1

Strutt|Input Data|Empirical|Chiller inserts sound power levels into the active row of the worksheet.

Four options are provided for the type of chiller:

Packaged Chiller with Reciprocating Compressor implements Table 7-1 from Laymon Miller and can be used for a cooling capacty range of 35 - 700 kW

Packaged Chiller with Rotary Screw Compressors implements Table 7-2 from Laymon Miller and can be used for a cooling capacity range of 350 - 1050 kW

Packaged Chiller with Centrifugal Compressor (Direct Drive) calculates the overall sound power level using the formula:

`L_W = 83 + 9log_10(C C)`

Where `C C` is the rated cooling capacity in tons, 1 ton CC = 3.516 kW

Group 1 Frequency adjustments (dB) in Table 7-3 (Laymon Miller) are then applied to the overall sound power level to obtain octave band sound power levels. This is applicable for chillers with a cooling capacity rating less than 1000 kW

Packaged Chiller with Centrifugal Compressor (Internally geared) calculates the overall sound power level using the formula:

`L_W = 93 + 6log_10(C C)`

Where `C C` is the rated cooling capacity in tons, 1 ton CC = 3.516 kW

Group 3 Frequency adjustments (dB) in Table 7-3 (Laymon Miller) are then applied to the overall sound power level to obtain octave band sound power levels. This is applicable for chillers with a cooling capacity rating greater than 1000 kW


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