
Strutt Help

Empirical Boiler Noise Prediction    1/1

Strutt|Input Data|Empirical|Boiler inserts sound power levels into the active row of the worksheet. Sound power levels can be calculated using three different methods:

Input required is selection of the formula to use and the boiler power rating.
The formulas that are implemented in each of the options are:

Laymon Miller
References sound power levels, dB, (below) according to the range that the power rating falls into.
Heating Capacity, kW 490 - 2942 2943 - 19620
31.5 Hz 99 102
63 Hz 99 102
125 Hz 98 101
250 Hz 96 99
500 Hz 93 96
1 kHz 90 93
2 kHz 87 90
4 kHz 84 87
8 kHz 81 84

Edison Electric - General Purpose Boiler
Overall radiated sound power level is given by:

`L_W = 95 + 4log_10(kW)` (dB re 10-12 W)

Edison Electric - Large Power Plant Boiler
Overall radiated sound power level is given by:

`L_W = 84 + 15log_10(MW)` (dB re 10-12 W)
The octave band levels are then calculated by subtracting the appropriate corrections (dB) listed below:

Boiler Type General Purpose Large Power Plant
31.5 Hz 6 4
63 Hz 6 5
125 Hz 7 10
250 Hz 9 16
500 Hz 12 17
1 kHz 15 19
2 kHz 18 21
4 kHz 21 21
8 kHz 24 21


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